Exam 1 Study List

* Exam will be an online, multiple choice, 40 question exam, taken on the computers in the classroom during your regular class period.  You will sign your name on a piece of scratch paper that you turn in after you have clicked "submit" on your exam.

* Relevant equations will be listed on the scratch paper so you do not need to memorize the formulas, but you need to know when and how to use them.

*Bring your calculator and a pencil or pen.

* Be familiar with the five GOES Imager channels as summarized in the GOES Imager document on the Modules page in Canvas--these pertain to the GOES I-P series up through GOES-15 (currently operational GOES-West).  Be familiar with channels (also known as "bands") by
    --channel number
     --channel name(s)
    --approximate wavelength
    --name of the spectral region in which they can be found (for example, gamma rays, UV, visible, near IR, thermal IR, microwave etc.)
    --what the channels are good at depicting or measuring (i.e. what they can be used for)
    --whether the channel is in a window region or absorption region of the spectrum

Understand how the legacy/heritage GOES-Imager relates to channels on the current GOES radiometer, the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) on GOES-16 and GOES-17:

* be familiar with Table 1, Figure 1a, and Figure 2 from the article (under Modules in Canvas) in Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS) that introduces the ABI instrument that became the operational GOES-East (GOES-16) imager in December, 2018.  Those tables and figures will be included in the exam and used by you to answer questions.
* be able to recognize which ABI channels (bands) are window channels vs. absorption channels based on transmittance.

* Know generically the three channels used most frequently for weather analysis and forecasting
    --what physical radiative process these channels are measuring

* Know which channel/wavelength is good for monitoring fire hotspots

* Know the basic radiation laws, both by name and by their physical and graphical interpretation, and be able to recognize which equation associates with each--relevant equations will be listed on the scratch paper, but your will need to know which is which and how to use them:
    --Planck Function
    --Stefan-Boltzmann Law
    --Wien's Law
    --Kirchoff's Law
    --know how to do problems and questions as in HW 3.
    --know how to do the calculations summarized in the radiation_calculations.pdf document on the Modules page in Canvas
    --Understand the reason for inverting the Planck Function:  Allows us to calculate "brightness temperature" which can be interpreted as cloud top or surface temperature based on the amount of radiation in a given wavelength band measured by a satellite radiometer.

* Know the definitions of absorption vs. window channels.

* Know about polar vs. geostationary satellite orbits.

* Understand the difference between imaging, sounding, and data assimilation and what those terms mean.

* Have an overall understanding of the GOES scanning strategies.

* Be familiar with different scanning sectors and frequency of imagery from those sectors.

* Know the basics of image interpretation--pixels, contrast, resolution etc.

* Understand basic concepts of image enhancement (see HW 5).

* Understand and be able to describe how the ZA or any given enhancement changes an unenhanced image (see HW 5).

* Understand water vapor imagery:
    --what the image is "seeing"
    --weighting or contribution functions and what they tell us about where vertically the radiation seen by the satellite is coming from.
    --how satellite radiation measurements relate to middle and upper tropospheric vapor content and radiating temperatures
    --grey shades in relation to vapor content and radiating temperature

* Know how to estimate cloud top temperature, and cloud top pressure level and height from an IR image in conjunction with a sounding (see HW 4).

* know how to interpret weighting functions for ABI channels.

* be familiar with the operational ABI scan mode 6 (current version of "flex mode") scanning strategy and scan mode 4 (Full Disk mode; see pp. 687-688 in the BAMS ABI article) and how it is different than the previous GOES-East (GOES-13) scan strategy.