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Where in the World is All Our Weather Data?

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux at ERAU Directory Structure

  1. /home - ERAU Network Linux Home Directories
  2. /home2 - Local Home Directories
  3. /p - ERAU Network Windows Personal Drive
  4. /wx - Weather Network Storage Directories

/wx Directories

/wx/appsWeather programs, applications, and scripts /wx/casesArchives of interesting weather events and projects /wx/gempakReal time weather data in GEMPAK and text file formats /wx/goesrReal time and archived data from GOES-16 and GOES-17 satellites /wx/gribReal time weather data in grib file formats
/wx/imagesReal time weather data in JPG, GIF, and PNG image formats /wx/lightningReal time and archived lightning data from USPLN and NLDN networks /wx/pythonHome of WX Python environments
/wx/cat0Workspace for large projects /wx/cat1Workspace for large projects /wx/ef0High speed work space for projects /wx/ef1High speed work space for projects
Check here for additional data storage information.