Dr. Shawn Milrad's GEMPAK Synoptic Plots
250 mb Wind and Geopotential Height
- Wind Magnitude (kt) and Direction
- Geopotential Height (dam)
500 mb Geostrophic Absolute Vorticity and Geopotential Height
- Geostrophic Absolute Vorticity (x10-5 s-1)
- Geopotential Height (dam)
- Geostrophic Wind (kt)
700-400 mb Geostrophic Absolute Vorticity Advection
- 500 mb Geostrophic Absolute Vorticity (x10-5 s-1)
- 500 mb Geopotential Height (dam) and Geostrophic Wind (kt)
- 700–400 mb Geostrophic Absolute Vorticity Advection (x10-9 s-2)
700 mb Geopotential Height, Temperature, and 850-500 mb Relative Humidity
- Geopotential Height (dam)
- Temperature (°C)
- Geostrophic Wind (kt)
- 850–500 mb layer-averaged Relative Humidity (%)
850 mb Geopotential Height and Geostrophic Temperature Advection
- Geopotential Height (dam)
- Temperature (°C)
- Geostrophic Temperature Advection (x10-5 °C s-1)
Mean Sea Level Pressure and 6-hr Quantitative Precipitation Forecast (QPF)
- Mean Sea Level Pressure (mb)
- 1000–500 mb Thickness (dam)
- 6-hr QPF (in.) ending at valid time
Mean Sea Level Pressure and Precipitable Water
- Mean Sea Level Pressure (mb)
- 1000–500 mb Thickness (dam)
- Precipitable Water (in.)
Quasi-Geostrophic (QG) Height Tendency Equation: Amplification (Differential Temp Advection) Term
- 500 mb Geopotential Height (dam)
- Mean Sea Level Pressure (mb)
- QG Height Tendency Equation Amplification (700-300 mb Differential Temperature Advection) Term (x10-9 s-3) multiplied by -1
QG Height Tendency Equation: Propagation (Vorticity Advection) Term
- 500 mb Geopotential Height (dam) and Geostrophic Relative Vorticity
- QG Height Tendency Equation Propagation (500 mb Vorticity Advection) Term (x10-9 s-3) multiplied by -1
QG Omega Equation: Horizontal Temperature Advection Term
- Mean Sea Level Pressure (mb)
- 1000–500 mb Thickness (dam)
- QG Omega Equation Horizontal Laplacian of Temperature Advection Term (x10-13 Pa m-2 s-1) calculated at 700 mb, multiplied by -1
QG Omega Equation: Differential Vorticity Advection Term
- 500 mb Geopotential Height (dam)
- Mean Sea Level Pressure (mb)
- QG Omega Equation Differential Vorticity Advection Term (x10-13 Pa m-2 s-1) calculated using the 900–500 mb layer, multiplied by -1
700-400 mb Q-vectors and Q-vector Divergence
- 500 mb Geopotential Height (dam) and Temperature (°C)
- 700–400 mb layer-averaged Q-vectors (x10-8 mb m-1 s-1)
- 700–400 mb layer-averaged Q-vector Divergence (x10-15 K m-2 s-1)
850-500 mb Q-vectors and Q-vector Divergence
- 700 mb Geopotential Height (dam) and Temperature (°C)
- 850–500 mb layer-averaged Q-vectors (x10-8 mb m-1 s-1)
- 850–500 mb layer-averaged Q-vector Divergence (x10-15 K m-2 s-1)
Mean Sea Level Pressure and 1000-500 mb Thickness
- Mean sea-level pressure (mb)
- 1000–500 mb thickness (dam)
- 10 m wind (kt)
Mean Sea Level Pressure, 1000-500 mb Thickness, Geostrophic Temperature Advection
- Mean Sea Level Pressure (mb)
- 1000–500 mb Thickness (dam)
- 1000-700 mb layer-averaged Geostrophic Temperature Advection (x10-5 °C s-1)
500 mb Sutcliffe-Trenberth Approximation to the QG Omega Equation
- 500 mb Geopotential Height (dam) and Geostrophic Relative Vorticity (x10-5 s-1)
- 700–300 mb Thickness (dam)
- 700–300 mb Vorticity Advection by the Thermal Wind (RHS forcing term of the Sutcliffe-Trenberth approximation to the QG omega equation) (x10-7 Pa m-2 s-1))
700 mb Sutcliffe-Trenberth Approximation to the QG Omega Equation
- 700 mb Geopotential Height (dam) and Geostrophic Relative Vorticity (x10-5 s-1)
- 900–500 mb Thickness (dam)
- 900–500 mb Vorticity Advection by the Thermal Wind (RHS forcing term of the Sutcliffe-Trenberth approximation to the QG omega equation) (x10-7 Pa m-2 s-1))
PV Thinking: Dynamic Tropopause (DT)
- DT (2 PVU surface) Potential Temperature (K)
- DT Wind (kt)
- Mean Sea Level Pressure (mb)
PV Thinking: Lower-troposphere
- 925 mb Potential Temperature (K)
- 925 mb Wind (kt)
- Mean Sea Level Pressure (mb)